i love this quote from maya arulpragasam:
"If you come from the struggle, how the f*** do you talk about the struggle, without talking about the struggle?"
i love this quote from maya arulpragasam:
"If you come from the struggle, how the f*** do you talk about the struggle, without talking about the struggle?"
The film, which was screened at Sundance, focuses a critical eye on the assumed “objectivity” of algorithms, which O’Neil defines as “using historical information to make a prediction about the future.” While algorithms are often understood as unbiased, objective, and amoral, they can reproduce the biases of the humans that create them. Broussard says that we imbue technology with “magical thinking,” which lauds its benefits but obscures its negative effects.
Ref: https://onezero.medium.com/objective-algorithms-are-a-myth-22b2c3e3d702
Visit: Algorithmic Justice League
Seeking innocuous spaces + places + people.
Where are they?
Where are you?
reclaiming the look of locks
falling off my shoulders
down my back
memories of me
mock the absence
I go forward
I go back
I will pass without lack
What does quiet look like on the internet?
Maybe this is it. no likes, no comments, no links, no conversation.
Reading Melissa’s tweets on Love are uplifting and romantic. She writes:
I am creating my own virus to soothe the world.
It reminds me that micro moments whether real or imagined can pierce through our experience of now to create something different.
I reflect on micro moments I have experienced lately that appear abstract but have shifted me:
: Finding an umbrella amongst the pots and pans.
#sanctuary #toddler #umbrellalove #microlove #sociocreativetrust #live #art
: Spinning a spinning top.
#sanctuary #spinningtop #play #sociocreativetrust #live #art
: Partner buys me a scarf for no other reason but because it is cold.
#sanctuary #romance #love #microlove #sociocreativetrust #live #art
What exactly is unprecedented in these unprecedented times? What preceded unprecedented?
Definition of unprecedented: without previous instance; never before known or experienced; unexampled or unparalleled:an unprecedented event.
Definition of precedent: any act, decision, or case that serves as a guide or justification for subsequent situations.
“think, dear friend, reflect on the world you carry within yourself. And name this thinking what you wish. It might be recollections of your childhood or yearning for your own future. Just be sure that you observe carefully what wells up within you and place that above everything that you notice around you. Your inner most happening is worth all your love. You must somehow work on that.”
Choosing to take part in Sanctuary, a project initiated by Melissa, I did not have a clear view on what my contribution was going to be, and I still don’t but I knew it was important to pursue. This is one of the many reasons I enjoy engaging in sociocreative trust projects, that is, our projects are often open-ended; open in scope and open to the unknown.
Allowing myself a space to observe, journal, converse and share personal research is a small act of solace timestamped beside a global pandemic and a global awakening to the racism, violence and injustice people of colour have and continue to experience every day.
Art can be an important tool to express, learn, heal and grow and I think this project will provide space for this to occur on a very micro personal level.